ástin .......
29.12.2007 | 00:23
Love !!!!!
LOVE...Two people in love is a work of art-a masterpiece sublime. Two equal halves that make a whole-an image so divine...There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. -1 John 4:14-
LOVE...How can I love God-the originator and the instigator of all love? If God is love, and is self-sufficient, how can I possibly show him I love him? By receiving his love...To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others.
LOVE...True love goes beyond flowers and romance, it is more than champagne and candlelight. True love is the arms of one who will always be there no matter how cold the night.
LOVE...Stand in a beloved's shade, not shadow, and discover new sights to share, new directions to go, all leading to even more reasons for standing together..It is only through the eyes of someone we love that we see who we really are.
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