hvað lýsir mér best hmm ætli það sé ekki þetta

When no one is there for you*
*And you think no one cares*
*When the whole world walks out on you*
*And you think you're alone*
*I'll be there*
*When the one you care about the most*
*Could care less about you*
*When the one you gave your hearts to*
*Throws it in your face*
*I'll be there*
*When the person you trusted*
*Betrays you*
*When the person you share all your memories with*
*Can't even remember you birthday*
*I'll be there*
*When all you need is a friend*
*To listen to you whine*
*When all you need is some one*
*To catch your tears*
*I'll be there*
*When your heart hurts so bad*
*You cant even breathe*
*When you just want to crawl up and die*
*Ill be there*
*When you start to cry*
*After hearing that sad song*
When the tears just wont*
*stop falling down*
*Ill be there*
*So you see I'll be there till the end*
*This is a promise I can make*
*If you need me*
*Just give me a call

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